April 2020

               Top 8 New Features Of Windows 10 Latest Version 
                                        (Tips and Tricks)

So As You Know Windows 10 is Always Getting Latest Updates Every Months And Some Weeks
And In This Updates Microsoft Increase Its Security To User, And Very New Features Which Some Of You Love And Some Not
So Before Wasting More Time, let's Get To The Blog Topic
So Today I Will Tell You Top 8 New Features Of Windows 10 Latest Version (Tips and Tricks)

1. Feature 1:-

Bring Learning To Life With 3D
See Cells divide, insects fly, and telescopes circle the earth with these 3D  and animation templates for word, excel, and PowerPoint.
Whether you're a student, teacher, or enthusiast, we have What you need to get started

2. Feature 2:-

Edit in Multiple Languages

To check text in another language, select the text, and go to Review > Editor > Set Proofing Language, and then choose your language.
The editor doesn't check for the same issues in every language. When it's checking more than one language, Editor lets You Know which refinements are available for which languages.

3. Feature 3:-

Keep an editor handy
On the Home tab, choose Editor. To focus on the issues you care
most about, click a correction or refinement type, like Grammar or
Clarity. Then, use the arrows on the suggestion card to step through

each issue.

4. Feature 4:-

Family Tree
Explore your family history
Record your family's past, present, and future with ancestry charts,
photo albums, and newsletters.

5. Feature 5:-

Family safety and emergency prep
Quickly create emergency instructions, contact lists, plans, and
checklists so you can keep calm and have peace of mind.

6. Feature 6:-

Perfect your pitch

Open your presentation in PowerPoint for the web. Sign in with a
personal Microsoft account (hotmail.com, outlook.com, live.com,
msn.com), or an Office 365 work or school account. On the Slide
Show tab, select Rehearse with Coach. Select Get Started at the

lower right When ready to rehearse

7. Feature 7:-

Learn to Draw
with ink
Fun activities for you and your kids
Puzzles, coloring books, infographics, and more. Enjoy these free
activities with your children, family, or friends.

8. Feature 8:-

Top templates for home learners
From multiplication tables to science projects, this online collection of
templates will help keep remote students interested and engaged.

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Here's Why You Should Link Back Your Account To Your Authority Site

Your site and blog is something that you should be proud of. The odds are you have invested your money and time to make it a great tool for serving your clients and also generate leads. However, is including external links to in your site the best idea? The links could take people away from your site or distract them from reading your content.
Don’t worry, linking is a common practice expected and also respected by all kinds of users thus it is unlikely to harm your site. Below are four benefits that one could get from including external links to their sites or blogs;
  How And why you should link back to your authority site (Complete Tutorial) 

1. Makes Your Blog or Site A More Valuable and Scalable Resource
Regardless of how great your site might be, it can never contain all the relevant information or value that a user might be looking for. Therefore it makes great sense to use the power of external links to create a scalable and easy path to making your site experience better and more rewarding visits. This also not only rewards the brands you have linked but also offers your site a chance to become a reference resource.
2. Search Engines Are Likely To Reward the Behavior Algorithmically
Search engines spend time analyzing spams. When doing so, they look for links with quality signals rather than spamminess. While it certainly pays considering the links you have used, links you send can be useful and usable equally. Sites with low signal quality generally link to junk substantially as compared to sites with great signal quality. These webs of trust and value can be algorithmically used by search engines to creating better search results. Use this advantage and link to resources that you know your users, as well as engines, will love.
3. External Linking Incentivizes Links In
Sites that get links tend to do external linking to themselves. When one includes external links to their sites, then it shows that one is willing to take part in the web’s linking space rather than being a closed-off individual or a purely pompous self-referential know-it-all.
4. External Links Encourage Positive Contribution and Participation
There are lots of people on the web who are smart, talented, and very dedicated that can contribute and make your efforts successful. When you include external links to your site especially in an opportunity-driven and the consistent way you will be building incentives for website builders, forum participants, and other users to want to engage with your site. Incentives bring value which will essentially build your site.
There are numerous good reasons as to why including external links is suitable for your site. To maximize your site, consider this as a tip.

    How to Organize Contests and Giveaways to Gain Insta-Traction

Statistics indicate that Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites in the world, clocking at least 300 million active users a day. They contribute to more than 40 billion pictures shared on the platform to date. These numbers have made Instagram the go-to site for entrepreneurs seeking to grow their business. 
However, many people have gone about using Instagram all wrong, leading to sluggish traction. Some of the top Instagram personalities know the secret to gaining traction is by organizing contests and giveaways to gain insta-traction.
Contests are one of the proven ways to get insta-traction, which gives you the chance to be openly creative with your content as possible. There are different types of contests you can organize such as
Like Contests: - This involves uploading a photo and asking your fans to like it with one person or a group of individuals winning giveaways. This type of competition increases your chances of appearing on the Discover page, and it is one of the simplest ways to increase traction.
Comment Contests: - If the primary goal is to generate feedback about your products or services and increase post engagement, comment contests are the way to go. Simply upload a photo and ask your followers to comment on the post for a chance to win the prize. Always ask your followers to tag other users.
Photo Contest: - Tell users to post a photo on their personal accounts and use a hashtag of your choice – this will help you find the posts to pick a winner. To ensure insta-traction, ask your followers and fans to post pictures of them using your product and or service in creative ways.
This type of contest can also include asking your fans to repost one of your posts for a chance to win.
The purpose of the competition is to draw in the right followers, and the best way is to find those users is by offering giveaways that are relevant to your brand and fans. The right kinds of giveaways are those related to your brand, to bring in the right kind of insta-traction.
Simply give the rules in the caption section or provide a link to your website with a landing page that provides all the rules of getting to win the giveaway. This allows you to keep your posts short and sweet.
It all comes down to taking the word out about your contests and giveaways. Hashtags are the best way to spread the word as well as track entries. Look at the accounts of leading businesses in your niche and note the type of hashtags they are using. The right combination of hashtags will boost the exposure of your contests and giveaways, bringing in more traction.

How to Grow Your Instagram Following

Having a big Instagram following can be very lucrative for marketing and driving free traffic to your site.  But there’s more to it than a simple numbers game.  Simply having a lot of followers doesn’t necessarily mean anything.  The key is having active followers – people who not only follow you but actively like and comment on your posts.  These are the people that you want to target when growing your audience.

We’ve all heard of people buying Instagram followers, and while they have impressive numbers in the tens and hundreds of thousands, those followers don’t mean anything.  They are purely aesthetic in nature.  That’s not what we’re trying to do.  We want interaction with our audience.

Be Consistent

There are some simple things we can implement to help organically grow our following.  The first is to post consistently.  This means you want to post once a day (or every other day, or twice a day, find what fits your needs best!) and try to keep it around the same time daily.  But that’s not all, it also means that you should stick to a particular theme.  Sure, you can absolutely post a beautiful landscape photo one day, and a picture of a gaming computer the next, but it is most beneficial to stick to one theme for all of your posts.

Interact With Your Followers

You’ve got the consistency down, and that’s great, but it doesn’t end there.  You should also be interacting with the Instagram community.  When someone comments on your post, take the time to acknowledge that comment – like it, and reply to them.  You will notice increased interaction over time if you take the initiative of talking to your followers.
Your interaction doesn’t stop at your posts.  You should also spend time every day scrolling through hashtags that are relevant to the information you share on Instagram.  While you scroll through it’s important that you keep liking and commenting on posts.  What’s the best way to draw people to your page?  Show genuine appreciation for their page!

Gaining Followers Quickly By Following and Unfollowing

If you are looking to quickly amass a large following there is a fairly simple and straightforward strategy you can follow that has proven itself time and time again.  This requires that you find pages with large followings that are similar in content to yours.  Then, in addition to following the basic rules of consistently posting within your theme, and maintaining constant interaction with your followers and the community at large, you will go to the page of your choosing and follow their followers.  Typically, you want to follow between 25 and 35 in a single session.  Then you should allow them some time to follow you back.  If you want to increase your chances of getting a follow in return, you can like and comment on a few of their posts when you follow them.  After you have allowed some time for them to follow you, you will unfollow everyone from that page that you followed before.  Then simply rinse and repeat, and you will find your follower count quickly increasing with real, quality followers.

Growing your Instagram following can be very important for business purposes.  If you follow the basic rules, post-high-quality content, and are willing to put in the time and work, you can easily see a bump in followers almost immediately.

Instagram Monetization Checklist
Each and every single month, more than 1 billion people log into Instagram, interact with content, and post content to the platform.
Far and away one of the most frequently visited and often utilized social media platforms, even more so than Facebook, Instagram has become the “go-to” platform for serious business owners, advertisers, and marketers that are looking to build their business online.
And even though Instagram is 100% free to get started with – and you can have a brand-new Instagram account up and running in less than five minutes.
The truth of the matter is the overwhelming majority of business owners, advertisers, and marketers out there aren’t using Instagram the right way to build their business or create the kind of financial future they have always dreamed of.
Honestly, the majority of the Instagram market is little more than “traditional marketing” applied to the digital world – and that just isn’t going to cut the mustard any longer.
No, if you are going to knock your Instagram marketing right out of the park and really turn it into a powerful channel for marketing you have to know exactly what you’re doing.
On top of that, because you’re going up against already stiff and established competition, you also have to take advantage of as many shortcuts checklists as possible to get you to the top as fast as you can.
Here are some critical tips and tricks in this quick checklist that will help you do exactly that.
Let’s dive right in!
Instagram Monetization Checklist
Start at the start – Get your Instagram strategy down first
Most folks run their marketing right off the rails at the start, never even realizing that their entire Instagram marketing and was built on a foundation of sand and not concrete.
Most people just kind of throw different marketing approaches at the wall of Instagram and hope that something sticks, rather than taking a real systematic and focused approach to creating marketing that actually has an opportunity of working.
But not you.
No, since you are reading this quick checklist and following along with all of the tips and tricks we were able to share, you are going to have an almost unfair advantage over the competition to create truly effective marketing that actually works.
You’re going to be able to start at the start (where you need to create that solid foundation) and build from there.
Identify your perfect prospect
The very first thing you have to do (even before you create a new Instagram account) is come up with a crystal clear image of who your perfect prospect is.
You have to know what they are most interested in getting out of you, what they are most interested in seeing and interacting with on Instagram, and the “hot buttons” that compel them to go from engaged Instagram followers to paying customers as quickly as humanly possible.
Once you have this crystal clear image of who this perfect customer is you’re going to want to craft each and every single piece of Instagram content you create (as well as every other piece of marketing you manufacture) for them and them alone.
Instagram Monetization Checklist
A lot of people make the mistake of trying to be everything to everyone with their Instagram marketing, missing the mark completely, and getting zero followers instead of laser targeting in on their specific niche while ignoring the overwhelming majority of people that wouldn’t have become customers anyway.
Steal great ideas from your competitors
After really firmly establishing that image of your perfect prospect it’s time to go and look at the top 15 or 20 Instagram accounts in your industry, really trying to come up with an idea of what they are doing so effectively in your market to already.
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to try and reinvent the wheel when it comes to online marketing, especially when your competitors (your successful competitors, anyway) will not have only blazed that trail for you to follow but will have left very easy to understand and copy clues for you as well.
Some people get a little bit squeamish about “stealing” content ideas from competitors, but you are going to want to get past that as soon as humanly possible.
We aren’t in any way suggesting that you actually rip off physical pieces of content and pass them off as your own, but if you are in an outdoor equipment niche in your best competitors are posting in sunup and sundown images of camp life you had better believe you are doing a lot of the exact same thing or you are going to be missing your mark with your ideal prospects and losing ground to these competitors for no reason whatsoever.
This will help you speed up your content marketing on Instagram significantly, but it will also help you slip right into the top tier of Instagram accounts in your industry when you’re publishing the same content as the “big dogs” are.
Create a content marketing calendar
The content marketing calendar is the number one differentiator between amateur hour marketers on Instagram and serious and savvy social media
Instagram Monetization Checklist
marketers and you’re definitely going to want to find yourself in the latter group.
Major companies all over the world have spent a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort really trying to streamline and systemize as much of their customer acquisition process as possible.
And while these major multinational companies have budgets far bigger than anything any of us could ever muster, the one weapon that we can copy and use just effectively as they are in the content calendar.
Setting up your marketing six months (or even better, one year) in advance with a plan for every single piece of content you are going to release a very specific day and as part of a very specific marketing campaign gives you an almost unfair advantage over the rest of your competition.
By setting out understanding that you are going to have to create content for a three times a week release you’re not only able to create those posts in advance and get them ready for “prime time”, you’re also able to find just the right piece of content to publish at a particular point in time to dovetail in with all of the other marketing approaches you are utilizing.
With a content marketing calendar, you can be working on a Valentine’s Day campaign, for example in the middle of June, coming up with content that will be released on Instagram that goes hand-in-hand with Valentine’s Day campaign you have been running from the end of January right up until the middle of February the coming year.
On top of that, you can really start to automate your Instagram marketing when you take this kind of approach.
Because you have all of your content created and ready to go, you can then script programs or outsource the actual publishing work to someone else – freeing up your time so that you can focus on other high leverage business activities without having to worry about how you’re going to cobble together an advertising approach that day.
This is game-changing stuff, and you have to be 100% certain that you are doing EVERYTHING in your power to systemize, automate, and delegate as much of your Instagram marketing as possible.
Instagram Monetization Checklist
This checklist will go a long way towards helping you do exactly that, but the bulk of the work is going to come from creating content focused on your perfect prospect, content proven to work by your competitors, and content that is released on a regular and systemized basis according to your content calendar.
Growth, growth, growth – Grow as big and as fast as you can
The next stage after laying your foundation and Instagram marketing is focusing entirely on growing your following just as quickly as humanly possible.
Instagram does a lot of the heavy lifting for you, helping to recommend your Instagram account to other people automatically and even actively promoting your account through Instagram posts of the day, hashtags, and the like, but you really want to take ownership of your Instagram marketing right out of the gate to grow your account as large as you’re able to as fast as you’re able to.
After all, the greatest content in the world, matched perfectly to your ideal customers, isn’t going to be worth ANYTHING unless you are getting eyeballs and actively engaging people that have chosen to follow your Instagram account.
Without followers, all of your efforts are wasted completely – so you have to build that following up from the ground with lightning-like speed.
Here are some quick tips to help you do exactly that!
Piggyback off of Instagram influencers
Instagram influencers – the most frequently followed, engaged with, and active accounts in your market or industry – can lift any account that they regularly interact with, as well as any account that regularly interacts with them.
Instagram Monetization Checklist
You have to do everything in your power to either capture the attention of these Instagram influencers in your industry or your market so that they start to actively promote the content that you provide (and we will show you one way to do that in just a second) OR you have to try and “steal their thunder” as much as possible by mentioning them in your own content so much so that their followers start to pay attention to you as well.
Instagram marketing is quickly becoming an arms race of sorts, with major accounts releasing new posts on an hourly basis as opposed to a daily or even weekly update.
Major accounts – we’re talking about accounts with hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers – need to have a lot of activity to keep up with their hungry followers, and that means that they need a tremendous amount of original content that they have the chance to share.
That’s where you as a “smaller operator” come into play!
Because you don’t have to feed the same kind of beast (yet), you can actually afford to not only create content for your own Instagram account but content for these major Instagram account influencers as well.
By creating content that you then give to these influencers to share with their followers 100% free of charge (though with attribution and tags going back to your account), you can do them a favor while also serving your own needs.
These kinds of accounts are super happy to enter into these kinds of agreements.
They get a lot of free, high-quality content that they don’t have to work hard to create, they keep their followers happy, and they get to partner with new up and comers in the same industry.
You’ll also benefit from the extra exposure you get from these influencing Instagram accounts – and before you know it you will have floods in floods of followers diving headfirst into your account, turning you into an influencer as well!
Contests worked wonders as well
Instagram Monetization Checklist
Another great approach to growing your account quickly is to run regular contests where you actually give away high-quality items or services on your Instagram account in exchange for increased follower numbers.
This is proven, tried and true, and amazingly effective marketing tactic and technique that has been in use long before Instagram were even thought of.
The only thing you have to do is fulfill your end of the deal – actually giving away whatever products or services you have promised to – and they cost you a little bit up front, but when you actively monetize your Instagram account, you’ll find that the return on investment is well worth it.
The bigger the item, the more exciting the service, and the more valuable the giveaway, the more active you are going to get, and the more followers you are going to accumulate.
If you are in the golf niche, for example, giving away a sleeve of balls is barely going to move the needle. Giving away a trip to Pebble Beach, however, is going to have you swimming in more followers than you will know what to do with.
Sure, that trip to Pebble Beach is going to cost a lot more than a sleeve of balls, but as mentioned above the return on investment is going to be well worth it.
Instead of picking up a handful of followers for $12 you might pick up 10,000 new followers or more for $2000. The trade-off should be obvious.
Create multiple channels of monetization with Instagram
At the end of the day, new followers aren’t cold hard cash in the bank unless you actually begin to monetize your followers and your account on Instagram.
The easiest way to monetize your Instagram account is to simply use your account and your Instagram content as an entry-level to your marketing funnel.
Instagram Monetization Checklist
You’ll be able to push visitors and followers to your account deeper and deeper into your marketing materials, converting at least some of them into paying customers – and that’s got a pretty reasonable ROI.
Of course, there are other ways to monetize your Instagram account – and even if you do decide to sell your own products and services, you’ll want to pursue some of these avenues to maximize your leverage on social media and create multiple income streams.
For starters, you can seek out other businesses in your industry – competitors or those offering complementary services – and offer to provide them with “sponsored content”.
You basically become an affiliate for their company and any of the sales you drive through your Instagram account pay you get paid a commission.
This is how a lot of “Instagram models” make their money online, posting pictures of themselves and workout gear or using workout supplements provided by other companies and getting a cut of the affiliate sales they drive.
These people are making a steady income off of this kind of affiliate marketing alone, so it’s definitely worth investigating.
There are plenty of ways to monetize Instagram, and hopefully, this quick checklist has shined a little bit of extra light on the subject for you going forward!

How To Start a Blog For earning thousands of $ $$DOLLARS
An Easy To Follow Blogging Guide For
A blog needs to be monetized to generate revenue. It should be a
successful blog with a growing base of subscribers to keep generating
more revenue. Only then would you have a profitable blog. Any blog can
be monetized but there may be no revenue. Any blog can have some
revenue but only consistent and sustainable revenue over a period of
time will ensure profit. The fact that anyone can start a blog with little or
no capital, the availability of a plethora of free tools, the ease with which
one can get started, and equal access to the audience ensures only the
best would win. The competition has never been this stiff.
In this comprehensive guide for beginners we lay out the simple steps
one must take to start a blog for profit.
Setting up the Blog
You can design a website from scratch, which should be easy if you are
a programmer. If you have no expertise in coding or website design,
then you should consider a content management system like
WordPress. WordPress is free and it is the most popular blogging
platform today. The open-source software which is used by more than a
hundred million people can be hosted for free using the WordPress
platform or you can host it on your own. You can opt for shared hosting
or dedicated hosting.
You may have your own server and configure it to host a site if you
know the technicalities. The best strategy is to go for a WordPress site
and shared hosting. You can move to dedicated hosting in the future
when you make more money as it is substantially more expensive than
shared hosting.
Getting started with WordPress is pretty simple. You can download
WordPress directly from the official site and start building your blog
using simple guidelines. Or, you can choose a WebHost and a
shared hosting plan that supports WordPress. The control panel of the
hosting account will get you WordPress. Thereon you can build your
blog from within the website builder offered by the WebHost. Even as you
pay for the shared hosting plan, WordPress would still be free. If you
don’t wish to pay for hosting, opt for WordPress directly, and use its free
hosting platform. This will have its limitations in terms of bandwidth,
storage, and site features but you can keep your initial investment
The following steps will illustrate how you would start a WordPress blog
using a WebHost.
• Choose a web host and a shared hosting plan. Go to the website of
the WebHost and sign up for the plan. Provide all the details you are
asked for, get a domain name if you don’t have one already, and make
the payment to get access to your exclusive control panel. Most
web hosts will offer a free domain with a shared hosting plan.
• Set up your account, choose the password, the features you want, and check into the Site Builder section. You will get the WordPress icon.
There will be many options in the Script List such as Backups, Utilities, and Blogs. You would find WordPress in the Blogs section. Click it, get
redirected it to the installation page, and install it.
• Use your domain name and set up your WordPress site, the blog
which will be blank at this stage. You would have to work on the layout,
design, features including plug-ins and everything from font to the
unique elements of your blog. Don’t worry as there are drag and drop
options from WordPress and from most web hosts that you can use to
create your blog. You don’t need to write a single line of code.
Monetization of the Blog
You could use your blog for paid blogging. There are companies and
individuals that want their products, services, or entities to be promoted.
These would normally pay a price for every blog post. You could take
this route or you can write about what really interests you and think of
monetizing the blog using advertisements. You can consider affiliate
marketing, which is essentially blogging to promote and endorse certain
products or services. When the audience you are targeting or your
readers check out the post and click on links redirecting them to the
official pages of those products or services, you would get paid. There
are programs paying you for every user that clicks on the links and gets
redirected. Other programs pay you a handsome commission should the
users sign up for the service or purchase the product after being
redirected from your blog.
There are a few quintessential elements of starting a blog for profit.
• You need to attain popularity. You cannot make money when your
blog doesn’t have any dedicated readership. You need a loyal audience
that would keep returning to your blog and would keep checking out new
content that you upload. The audience cannot be limited to a few
dozen people and it cannot be sporadic. You cannot rely on rerouted
traffic. Your blog must be popular and obviously, it would have its target
audience. The target audience shouldn’t have to search for something
and then get to your blog. They would follow your blog. You don’t need
all those readers to become subscribers or commentators. As long as
they follow your blog and repeatedly visit it, the blog can be monetized.
An unpopular blog or one that doesn’t have a substantial readership can
have ads or affiliate links but the monetization will not generate any
• You need consistent traffic as that will pave the way for
advertisements, paid contents, and promotions which will help you to
make money with your blog. Without traffic, posting ads or optimizing
new contents and sharing of the content will be futile. The nature of the
traffic, the target audience, and the kind of outreach a blog has along
with the focus or the niche will determine the type of ads, promotions, and paid content. A blog shouldn’t lose its value or core in the process
of monetization.
• There are many ways to make money with a blog. You could offer
free content to entice the audience and then offer exclusive or academic
content for those who want more information and would be willing to pay
a subscription fee. You could just use the readership and get paid
through ads, affiliate marketing links, sponsored banners, and all kinds of
product and service placements on every webpage of your blog.
You need a strategy that will allow you to target your niche readership
while monetizing the entire space available on every webpage of your
blog. From banner ads to sponsored posts, affiliate links to promote
contents pay per click ads to paid promotional posts; you should
consider every prospect of monetizing.
Targeting Readership/Subscribers
Every blogger can get their friends and family to become the first
subscribers. Sharing a few posts will get some lost social contacts to
start following the blog but not everyone may be reading all your posts.
No one can use their personal contacts and social connections to get the
thousands of readers that one needs to actually monetize a blog for
profit. You need to target a thousand subscribers or readers, then two
thousand, and then five thousand till you can grow enough to become a
formidable blogger.
Let us first address how you should facilitate the signing up or following
of new subscribers and readers.
• There should be social media plug-ins to facilitate immediate
following, liking, and sharing. There should be opt-in sections where
readers can provide their email address and sign up for the blog
updates, newsletters or emails, and other types of communications.
Aside from the RSS feed and other obvious plug-ins you should have a
simple popup asking if the reader or visitor will want to get notifications
from the blog. This may happen on a traditional browser, mobile browser, or via social network, media, and apps. A notification has become an
alternative to the conventional following.
• Don’t ask for more details than what you need. Social media plugins
immediately connect visitors to the blog using their existing
credentials. Use email authentication or social media authentication
instead of asking for an email address, first name and last name, city, and
other unnecessary details. Your blog is not building a database of
readers. You simply need a following to get a substantial readership.
• Always have a call to action on every webpage. Many bloggers opt
for standard calls to action, suggesting they share the post or like,
comment, or check out more posts. While these are acceptable, you
should think of unique calls to action. Host polls, get people to agree or
disagree, encourage readers to write counterpoints so you can take the
discussion further. Every blog post can become an asset provided it has
enough stuff to trigger a conversation and subsequent engagement with
a larger audience. A blog post that doesn’t generate any traction is a
waste of space and effort.
• Incentivize your followers to entice more. Offer something to your
new readers so they would be inclined to follow you or become
subscribers. Give something precious, which could be rare tips or some
insider knowledge, to your existing readers so they continue to follow
you and read what you post. Today, not many people are interested in
following for the sake of following unless they get rewarded in some
You will use your social media profiles and presence on multiple social
networks to get more readers or subscribers. That would still limit your
outreach unless you take a few quintessential steps. These are to be
factored in at the time of starting a blog because otherwise, you would
need to rethink everything, right from your blog layout to the kind of
content you are penning down.
Here are some of the most important factors that will affect your
• Your blog must stand out. You need an impressive design. You
will need to have all the imperative features, from social media
integration to relevant plug-ins. At the crux of the design should be a
theme, one that impresses your target audience. Be unique in as many
ways as possible but not quaintly that would be off-putting for some.
Check out blogs like the one you are trying to create and find out what’s
working for them and what’s not.
• Nothing is more important than content. If you have the most
compelling content in your niche then it wouldn’t matter how popular you
are or how exquisite your blog layout is. People will read the piece. But
you cannot have such priceless and unmatched content all the time.
This is why you need to focus on the quality of content throughout the
year. Remember the reason why you are blogging and why someone
should read your blog. This alone should lead you to the type of content
you should be working on. Do not just replicate what is already out
there. If thousands of people have already read a blog that has
discussed what you are about to write then chances are you wouldn’t
get even one from that readership checking out your blog. Focus on
originality. Use your own voice. The personality of a blogger is the best
weapon to make any content unique.
• After content and design comes marketing. No blogger can survive
today by solely being a writer, photographer, videographer or
cinematographer, painter, graphic designer, chef or cook, fashion
enthusiast, gadget lover, or even as a satirist. One must market the blog
and oneself. The blog and the blogger are inseparable. They are a
single entity unless there are other bloggers on the same site. Use
search engine optimization, target keywords, and have a specific target
audience. The target audience could be people of a certain age, gender,
socioeconomic background, and of a certain kind of intellect or a myriad
of interests. The target audience could be confined to a city, district,
suburb, or neighborhood.
• You need multichannel and cross-platform marketing strategies.
Use other and more popular blogs to publish guest posts. Make your
blog’s presence felt on all popular social networks and social media to
intertwine the activities to generate interest on all platforms
simultaneously. Get listed on every relevant directory of blogs. Use
email marketing if relevant, host live events, the podcast is applicable for the
kind of blog you are planning, and produce videos to highlight inspiring
Become an Influencer Blogger
No matter what you do, your traffic will fluctuate. No matter how hard
you work and how much you ransack your mind, you will come up with
content that will not reach a hundred thousand readers. Only some of
your blog posts will go viral, perhaps just a few in a year. That alone
would be enough to get you exposure but the outreach will waver from
time to time. The only way you can ensure sustained profit is when you
ensure a bottom line. Say a thousand hits on a particular blog post will
trigger the commission of a pay per view ad that is placed at the top of
the post. You need a thousand hits for every blog post having that ad
for the page to be financially viable. Else, your effort is futile.
The only way you can always get the minimum traffic, which could be a
thousand or fifty thousand depending on the nature of your blog, is to
become an influencer. This is the era of influencers. You may have seen
them on social media. You are perhaps following some of them. These
influencers are experts in their niche, ranging from politics to food,
sports to music, architecture to history, pop culture to spirituality,
business, and investment to education among others. These influencers
are opinion makers. They have a few million followers in some cases
and in most cases hundreds of thousands of fans. One tweet or post by
them and it reaches everyone following these personalities. You need to
become an influencer blogger.
Here is what you should be doing to become an influencer blogger.
• Be a great writer if you are not a photographer, videographer, or
designer. Anyone who can use images or videos and have a blog that is
all about the visual experience would not rely on words. All other
bloggers will only have words, from those writing about current affairs to
those reviewing restaurants in a city. The quality of writing has dwindled
in recent years. Grammar has jumped ship, literary skills have
succumbed and substance is a rare commodity. Blogging is not ranting.
It is not just writing whatever you want in whichever way you want. If you
wish to be a famous blogger, then you must be an expert writer. Writing
is as much a skill as it is an art. You need to be a master or at least
highly proficient in the language you are writing in. You don’t need to
have a degree in literature or journalism to become a great blogger. You
just have to be a great writer, regardless of your academic qualifications.
• Write on issues that would get you some attention. You may pick
popular topics that you can source from current affairs or pop culture.
You can write on politics, movies, music, technology, or whatever that
will entice readers. Do not write on a topic that is unlikely to get you any
views. You may be interested in medieval art but not many would share
that interest. You may write a stunning piece on the Italian Renaissance
and yet get very few views. You can pursue any niche you want but
make sure you manage to entice your audience. You should have a
target audience for your blog but that should not be a small section of
people. That will not make you famous. You need to reach out to the
masses if you truly want to get famous or become an influencer. More
importantly, you need a large target audience if you wish to monetize
your blog and generate a consistent profit.
• Be originally argumentative. Have a view that may not comply with
the norms and present your opinion without being overly offensive to
anyone. The objective is to get people talking, to make the audience sit
up and notice, to get them clicking and reading. Engaging the audience,
inciting a discussion, interacting to fuel further conversation and
generating activity is the best way to become an influencer.
• Develop a personality as a blogger. This may be the natural
extension of who you are in real life or you may create a certain style
and portrayal as a blogger. It is this personality that people will follow,
like, and talk about.


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